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Adventure tourism och APL i Sverige?

03 jan 2017

Can you please let us know, How many gymnasiet schools in Sweden have Adventure Tourism as a subject and APL program? What are their names? Thank you.

Warm Regards
Ram Silwal


16 jan 2017

Hi Ram,

I'm not completely sure what Adventure Tourism is, do you mean Hotell- och turismprogrammet? There are two specializations in the program, Hotel and conference (Hotell och konferens) and Tourism and travel (turism och resor), maybe the second specialization is what you are looking for? You can read a bit more about it here and see which schools offer the program: https://www.gymnasium.se/sok/hotell-och-turismprogrammet#moreAboutSearch 

Hotell- och turismprogrammet is a program that offers APL. If you have questions about that specifically it would be best to contact the school you are interested in to see how they have planned their APL. 

The information in the link above is in Swedish so if you need more help, or if I have misunderstood your question please don't hesitate to contact us again. 

With regards / Aranja, SYV

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