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Recensioner av International Baccalaureate

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Class of 2022
04 okt 2022
A school which in many ways prepares you for the future

Being a student at IHGR was a constant roller coaster of emotions. At times very stressful, but most often very rewarding. This school gave me an international and understanding...

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22 mar 2022

Obehöriga lärare, inget stöd från skolan och en rektor som inte kan lyssna på sina elever. Det är bara en kort lista av allt som inte fungerat på denna skola.. Tyvärr har både j...

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Zak Janzi
13 jun 2020
Everything about this school is amazing.

Class of 2015 - IB Programme
A small but heartwarming diverse community. IHGR preps you for life after high school, especially if you choose the IB Diplome Programme. I got thr...

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11 jun 2020
An amazing high school experience

I chose IHGR because I wanted to graduate with an IB diploma which I knew would open many doors for me in the future. I graduated with that and so much more! The IB program may ...

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09 jun 2020
Like family

My experience at IHGR was simply amazing. I moved to Sweden when I was 17 and this school became my family away from home. I felt welcome and valued as a student and as a person...

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08 jun 2020

Efter många tuffa år på IB kan jag inte vara annat än nöjd. Lärarna är suveräna och utbildningen bra och rättvis. Men det absolut bästa med IHGR är andan som sprider sig över sk...

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08 jun 2020
The best foundation for my future

IHGR May be a pretty small school, but that just allows for a very homey atmosphere. I believe that my education here has provided me with a steady foundation for my further stu...

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08 jun 2020
Worth it

I initially commenced my studies at IHGR because I was looking for a small cozy school and I choose IB due to its customizability which allowed me to choose the subjects and lev...

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Före detta studerande på IHGR
08 jun 2020
Great education

I did IB at IHGR and, although IB itself is a rigorous program that requires hard work, I always felt supported and encouraged at the school. Being at IHGR, there was a spirit o...

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08 jun 2020
IB programme

I went to this school for three years and I learned a lot. I chose the IB programme and I don’t regret doing so because I learned a lot about myself and which way is the best fo...

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Katarina, class of 2015
08 jun 2020
A good human, not only a good student

Couldn't have asked for a better high school experience! I've always known what I wanted to be, but my teachers made sure I took the right steps to get there. They guided each a...

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Mario N.
08 jun 2020
Helt unik utbildning och bra skola! Definitely recommend!

IB is a challenging programme that lets you see your hidden talents that you never realised you could have, where the only form of competition is only within yourself and with h...

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Naief Jobsen
08 jun 2020
Eye opening

I have spent my 2 IB years in IHGR. I met many cool students and teachers. The education is outstanding. I became a well-ground young professional that is ready for what’s next.

class of 2019
08 jun 2020
a safe space

I won’t lie, the IB was really hard and we all struggled a lot. However, the faculty and fellow students of IHGR made it an experience I will never forget. When I started at IHG...

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Louise B
13 maj 2020
IHGR var det bästa valet jag kunde ha gjort!

Skolans höga utbildningsnivå kräver en hel del från dess elever, men lärarna och i stort sett all personal är förberedda på att stötta oss på bästa sätt och den höga nivån pusha...

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12 maj 2020
A happy IB student!

IHGR is a beautiful school in Gothenburg. The school offers many different aspects, creating an inspirational and safe environment for every student attending the school. When y...

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27 jan 2020
Once, always

IHGR has been an amazing experience for me, with the community, clubs, and exchange programs (to Budapest, my exchange partner and I still visit each other!) The school and the ...

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22 jan 2020
Välj inte IHGR

En djup djup besvikelse. Om det går att undvika, så gör det!

27 jan 2020
Så ledsamt att höra att du inte uppskattade din tid hos oss. Gymnasietiden är otroligt ...
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16 jan 2020

I had an amazing experience at IHGR. I found that the education level was great, the teachers always did their best to engage us in their subject and to think for ourselves. We ...

27 jan 2020
Great to read your comment! At IHGR we have always seen academic and personal developme...
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Ledsen IB elev
02 okt 2019
Magnus är det enda bra med skolan

Jag valde IB på IHGR i hopp om att få uppleva en internationell atmosfär som jag hoppades på skulle förbereda mig för högre studier och hjälpa mig växa som person. Istället fick...

27 jan 2020
Jag är också jätteledsen att läsa att vi inte levde upp till dina förväntningar på oss....
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Sorgsen IB-student
03 sep 2019
IHGR går nedför

När jag började IHGR för 2 år sen så var det allt jag kunnat önska mig, men jag insåg snabbt att det inte skulle förbli på det sättet. Lärare och elever beter sig inte på samma ...

27 jan 2020
Tack för din kommentar även om det är ledsamt att ta del av dina erfarenheter. Vi är ju...
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07 aug 2019
The best choice I could have made

IHGR is the best school I could have ever hoped to find for my High School years. I'm not saying it is a perfect school, but it's perfect for me. I came to the school knowing th...

27 jan 2020
Thank you for your positive review! If I were to describe our school, those are the exa...
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Happy student
07 aug 2019
School spirit

IHGR is a small beautiful school located in the heart of Gothenburg. The school offers a great variety of activities and travels in different parts of the world giving students ...

27 jan 2020
Once - Always! So happy to hear that you've experienced our school spirit!
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Besviken elev
27 jun 2019
Tyvärr ett väldigt dåligt val

IHGR var en enda stor besvikelse tyvärr. Att välja att spendera mina 3 år på denna skolan var ett misstag. Hurrar mina kompisar som vågade byta.

När jag började skolan kände...

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IB Elev
04 apr 2019
Inte där man bör plugga IB

Många dåliga lärare som inte är utbildade för att lära ut IB. Dålig kommunikation bland dem olika lärarna, alltså lär dom alla ut på väldigt olika vis vilket gör IB mycket rörig...

07 maj 2019
I am so sorry to read that you seem to have not had a good experience at our school. Wh...
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Visar 1-25 av 28 recensioner